Sunday, March 6, 2011

Flaws and All.

Today I was at my favorite spot (ROSCOES) chopping it up with one of my crazy sexy cool friends, and I just realized how blessed I am. Through thick and thin my friends have been there for me. Yes there have been some World War III moments but thats what I think makes us stronger. Sometimes I swear I shouldn't even have friends because of the craziness that has happened in the past. Thats how I know its true love for the ones who stick around. I can be a lot to handle at times, but Im taking it one step at a time. 

One of the things I need to work on is thinking before I speak and being sensitive to others. I can be very sick at times, and I regret why I even said it in the first place. I am a very sensitive person who at times can be insecure and I think thats why these sick moments happen. This is something I definitely want to seriously work on... and to my friends, thanks for loving me through my flaws and all. <3


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