Thursday, October 27, 2011

X Factor.

If you guys have been keeping up with X-Factor you will know 22-year old Simone Battle. Simone who was clearly one of Simons favorites since the beginning,leaving the other judges and myself wondering why she even made it to the first round. I am now retracing my initial thoughts. There is no doubt about it that Simone is HOTT and has an amazing sense of style, but when compared to the other contestants she lacked vocal capabilities in my eyes. Now I know when making an "X-Factor", it's not about having an amazing voice at all! All you need to have is an out  of this world persona, an awesome fashion sense, and some what capabilities to sing and dance and your in!

I was so pleasantly surprised when I finished watching "He Likes Boys" video, it is the formula for a pop single success! It reminds me totally of a Katy Perry song, easy to listen and sing to and the concept is fun and makes you giggle. Katy Perry is actually another perfect example of someone who is an X-Factor and not a singer and she is running all the way to the top of the charts and more. Simone good shit... sorry I doubted you. I get it!!

What do you guys think X-Factor worthy or not???

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