Friday, October 14, 2011

Empire State of Mind.

Yes they say NYC is the city of dreams, and I can definitely see why. Everyone there walks like they have a purpose in life and I love it. Though I was only there for a couple of days the city has already left a great impression on me.

While being in the lovely city/state, it made me want to work hard and push myself to the limit. Always stay confident. Never let any dream seem unattainable.

I know the question is.. would I ever live there? I most definitely would maybe want to try it out for 6 months - 1 year. You know what they say, if you can there.. you can make it ANYWHERE. The only CON is a keeping fresh press is out of the question. 


Biggie Baby Babbayyyy.

Central Park.

Apple Store Steve Jobs Tribute.

Yes Steam in the streets are 4real.

Time Square view from my room.


  1. You said it best -- "Never let any dream seem unattainable." I love it! I am so happy you had a fun and life changing experience in NYC, Dana!

  2. Hehe thanks Macey boo I love you!!! :)
