Friday, June 17, 2011

Next To You.

Okay.. we ALL love Chris Brown and Justin Bieber, but can someone please explain to me what is going on here? First of all this is all  a little dramatic for me, Chris Brown's girl gets hit by a car then he falls underground and starts dancing with demons? It maybe some type of artistic expression that I'm missing maybe? If any of you know please explain to me. Also.. did Chris Brown also die and Justin Bieber and his girl survive?? SMH

Sooo many unanswered questions! Is anyone else confused like I am???

The pros of this video though is the song is awesome and Chris Brown is hitting it with them dance moves. I also think Justin Bieber should wear beanies more often.. he is a little cutie!!

Verdict.. gosh I hate when music videos do not correlate with the of my pet peeves.

Watch down below... what do you guys think?

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