Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Take Back Words.

Talked to an old high school friend yesterday. Never has a conversation stuck with me and hung over my head the way it did last night. Without saying too much, she brought up the past and how somethings were said and never left her side. Seems like somethings in my life are like a cycle, same shit a different day. Same shit different people. I've been in search for something more. More meaning in life, and for me to be more in touch with my soul. This conversation not only re-opened my eyes to a lot about myself, but it can also be the start to the realization of myself and the search of happiness in life.

First stop is to make amends with those that I have hurt in the past and be able to forgive. Though one may not forget, forgiveness is a step closer to happiness. One may not know the power of words, but words can be a weapon against one, and can stick with people a life time.

"Nothing will change in your life, if you don't do something different from what you have been doing". 

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