Saturday, December 3, 2011

Origins of the Moonwalk.

We all know that Michael Jackson is amazing and is the greatest entertainer that ever lived, but did you know that even the MASTERS learn from the greats before them? Check out this awesome video of dance greats: Fred Astaire, Bill Bailey, Buck and Bubbles, Cab Calloway, Clark Brothers, Sammy Davis Jr., Daniel L. Haynes, Rubberneck Holmes, Patterson and Jackson, Eleanor Powell, Bill Robinson, and Three Chefs (only the feet). You can see where MJ gets his dance inspiration and the influence on his famous dance the moonwalk.

MJ has said numerous times that Fred Astaire was one of the greats that inspired his dance technique, this video is astounding to watch because this confirms how AMAZING Michael is and how he made all these styles his own. <3

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