Friday, September 9, 2011

Knockin Your Heels Off.

I'm a 80's baby that lived in the 90s era, and my ears are susceptible to Baby Making Music. That R&B music that sets the mood and gets the panties dropping.. or in this case music that "Knocks Your Heels Off".  This song by Pretty Ricky has the old school baby making groups like H-Town (Knocking the Boots) and
Jodeci (Feenin).

Jodeci- Feenin

H-Town - Knockin the Boots

Lets talk about Jodeci, times are rough I see. I know they have been struggling with the rocks, but damn what happened to Devante? D looks like he has been chewing on the rocks, he used to be cute now he is missing all of his teeth.

Pretty Ricky... nothing really needs to be said, I'm always SMH at them. Spectacular and his ridiculous facial expressions gets another SMH.If you close your eyes though, I will say the song is pretty good.  It takes me back.. what do you guys think?

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