Friday, February 17, 2012

It All Belongs to Me.

Brandy and Monica.. wonderfully, talented women 
who are still killing the game since the 90s. <3

"It All Belongs to Me"

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Dear Whitney. Thank you.

When you think of incomparable voices that every girl tries to emulate or HOPE to sound like, two voices come to mind; Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston. Unfortunately Whitney's light was dimmed this past weekend. Hearing the news I fell back and started to shake and cry, it hit me hard. NO I didn't know her personally but I felt like I lost a family member. I felt extremely saddened, angry, and the list goes on. She has been a soundtrack to my life and I'm sure to a lot of other fans' out there. Listening to her music as I type fills me with an array of emotions, but the one that sticks out the most is 'thankful'. Thank you Whitney.

 I remember seeing The Preacher's Wife in movie theaters and thinking how beautiful she was, and how much her voice moved me at such a young age. Then we all cannot forget Waiting to Exhale, my mom had that soundtrack on repeat for the longest, and I loved when she played it around the house . Of course the Whitney tracks like "Exhale", "Why Does It Hurt So Bad", and "Count On Me" always stood out to me. 

Whitney I don't care what people say or have to say about you.. in my eyes you were and always will be amazing.. and I'm thankful for the wonderful music that we have from you. May you R.I.P. we are going to miss you deeply. 

Instead of leaving ya'll with a slow Whitney music video, I rather leave you with "I'm Every Woman", this video is so uplifting, fun, and she looks strikingly beautiful. How I would like to remember Whitney.  God Bless. <3

Thursday, February 2, 2012

DanaDot: Update!!!.

Wow it had really been a long time since I have posted in this thing. Many blessings have happened since I have last been gone. Moved to a comfort spot with my BFF Jennifer Kay, for the first time living on my own.. I am finally 100% comfortable with the place and area. I finally feel like I am growing up, doing big woman things as well as being able to still live my life. Nothing is more important than being able to have a perfect balance. Too much or not enough of a good thing might not work, its nice to have a perfect level. Career wise I am still with MMG taking on Media Buying as well as sticking within the digital advertising realm. We are super BUSY, but I wouldn't have it any other way. 

Music.. many people ask me if I'm serious and if this is something I would like to take on seriously.. but fact of the matter is I'm a realist. I would be lying to you if I told you this is my life. It isn't. It's something that is fun for me.. and I enjoy doing it for people who like to listen. I do get a rush when I'm on stage.. and for the most part I get tons of positive feedback and I apperciate that. If you would have asked me maybe  5 years ago when I was younger.. it may have been a different story, fact of the matter is I'm not a little girl anymore. So it comes down to business. I was blessed enough to be featured on Bossip's section New Kid on the Block which I am very excited about...! What holds for the future of DanaDot? Im unsure but open to anything. This weekend you can find me in my #1 vacay spot VEGAS. Looking forward to a mini break and spending time with the girls that mean the world to me. Forcast for 2012?? Im going to continue doing me.. and get that step closer to finding out who I am as a person. Enjoying the ride..... ;)

 I know YOLO is everyone's Motto.... but mine is to BE TRUE. BE YOU. and STAY BLESSED.